%global shortname openscad Name: devassistant-dap-%{shortname} Version: 0.0.2 Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: Create 3D printing projects for OpenSCAD BuildArch: noarch License: GPLv3+ and GPLv2 with exceptions URL: https://github.com/3DprintFIT/dap-openscad Source0: https://dapi.devassistant.org/download/%{shortname}-%{version}.dap BuildRequires: devassistant-devel Requires: devassistant-ui Requires: devassistant-dap-common_args Requires: devassistant-dap-git Requires: devassistant-dap-github %description This assistants helps you to create new OpenSCAD project for 3D printing. We use it in our 3D printing lab to store our 3D printers on Github. Projects created with this assistant have a `Makefile` to build the 3D models form OpenSCAD sources. To do so, run `make`. You can also generate the images by `make images` or print plates with `make arrange`. Observe the generated `Makefile` to see all available options. %prep %setup -q -n %{shortname}-%{version} %build %repack_assistant %install %install_assistant %check %check_assistant %files -f dap-files %changelog * Thu Jan 22 2015 Tomas Radej - 0.0.2-3 Initial package