%global shortname common_args Name: devassistant-dap-%{shortname} Version: 0.10.0 Release: 4%{?dist} Summary: Common arguments to be used from other assistants BuildArch: noarch License: GPLv2+ URL: https://github.com/devassistant/dap-common_args Source0: https://dapi.devassistant.org/download/%{shortname}-%{version}.dap BuildRequires: devassistant-devel Requires: devassistant-ui %description Common arguments used in most of the assistants. Provided arguments: name, path, rpm, docker, eclipse Arguments "github" and "gh_fork" are now provided by the assistant "github", which you need to specify in your Assistant separately. %prep %setup -q -n %{shortname}-%{version} %build %repack_assistant %install %install_assistant %check %check_assistant %files -f dap-files %changelog * Thu Jan 29 2015 Tomas Radej - 0.10.0-4 Initial package