=== OPENHOUSE PRESENTATION === * Main goal = Get people into Fedora. Not too many jobs open. * What is Open Source - Definition - Why it's better than closed source - You can do it yourself - Everybody benefits - People can fix your bugs - If you don't like the functionality, you can rewrite it - Community - friends, help, reporting & solving bugs * Why get involved - Use free software (as in speech, mostly as in beer) - Have access to updates (by community X by vendor) - Looks good on CV - We will want you ;) * What we do at DevExp - Talk to the community, being part of the community - Fix RHEL & Fedora bugs - In house development - tools, solutions, architecture - Maintenance (1000+ packages) * How to get involved - Have a SW project (you're writing, you're using)? Package it for Fedora! - If it's in Debian/Ubuntu, repackage it - Become a package maintainer - Websites - Documentation - Translations (SW, docs, websites) * How getting involved looks - Command line tools - Guidelines (a reasonable piece for newbs) - Example with Task Coatch - Bugzilla (Comments from ABRT or the like)